The Broken Copier
The Broken Copier
KTC #6: Thoughts on Saying "No" as a Teacher

KTC #6: Thoughts on Saying "No" as a Teacher

A reflection on how to best handle those "above-and-beyond" requests teachers are so often faced with

This sixth episode of “Kicking the Copier” is a reflection on how teachers so often are asked to do things beyond the basic responsibilities of their classroom—and how “saying no” to these above-and-beyond requests can be really challenging.

Still, being intentional and confident in when and why to say “no”? That can be an underrated, important factor in a sustainable, positive teaching career. In this episode, Marcus offers his thoughts on why.

As always, thanks to: Alberto Lugo, one of Jim’s former students, for writing and recording original intro music; Tom Csatari for allowing us to use his band’s recording of “Woodstock” from their 2020 album, Garden; and Courtney Milavec for graphic design.

Find Tom’s work at, and on Instagram @banduncivilized.

Find Alberto’s work at, and on Instagram @djsynchro. 

Email thoughts to

Thanks for listening!

The Broken Copier
The Broken Copier
Veteran teachers discuss their work in the classroom in order to collaborate, respond to important ideas in education, and share in a community of educators who understand their classroom practice through a lens of equity & change.