This is awesome. Lesson examples like this, at this level of planning and engagement, would make a great book.

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This Substack will have to do for now, haha—but definitely will try to find other opportunities to go into detail with other lessons in the future!

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If you have like-minded colleagues, collecting from multiple sources could lighten the load 😊

BTW, also love the focus on poetry. Never had anything like your lesson during my early education.

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LOVE this! I may be stealing the sonnet competition--what fun!

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It's ridiculously fun—if you prepare the clues in advance, you can pause everyone and add them at random intervals.

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I love this!!! I will definitely be adding survivor music to my lessons now 😂

I’d love a post of a “notebook tour” — how you set them up, how students use them, when you decide for them to use notebooks vs digital tools. I’ve never found a good system that I love.

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I'll try to put a series of images together using our classroom spiral in the upcoming week (which students refer to for make-up work) and send it your way!

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What a great example of how to take advantage of a longer chunk of time. Sounds like their brains were tired at the end, always a good sign. And I bet they will remember what you need them to remember about sonnets!

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I'm glad you presented this with some nuance about the attention span challenges.

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