This was great to read through. I especially appreciated the levels of questions as a way to help students develop the skill of critical reading/thinking about what they’re reading. Makes me want to incorporate low-stakes comprehension checks to ensure students have the foundation on which they can deeply analyze.

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Thank you so much. Your students are blessed to have you. And we are too for the resources you share.

I am really struggling right now with how to incorporate ANY reflection in 45 minutes! It’s crucial and essential for any skill building and I love your template…. Should I treat two 45 min classes as one class? So, plan for two days… etc.

We’ll see. They are back already where we are and I am so excited to teach them!

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Very real challenge! Two thoughts on this (without knowing your specific context, so also with a heavy dose of humility):

1) My favorite way to begin embedding reflection is with quick, simple questions along with work they're already doing. So on an exit ticket, I sometimes add a question like "1-5, how confident do you feel about this skill? Why?"—which is a really helpful thing for me to scan while grading.

2) I also think a more reflection-centered classroom requires not doing "too much" and moving "too fast"—so instead of doing three skills over three 45-minute lessons, the adjustment I've been trying to make more often is stretching two skills over three class periods, for example, and embedding more reflection throughout.

Again, I'm not in your classroom! but those were my initial thoughts thinking about it.

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